The ceiling caves in on Jason Dunda’s head
Jason Dunda
The ceiling caves in on Jason Dunda’s head
October 4-25, 2014
Wisdom from above. The voice of authority. Jason Dunda is interested in power. That unavoidable, elephant-in-the-room sort of power easily conjures malevolence, but it isn’t necessarily the truth. Neither should anyone assume that power is benevolent. It takes so little to be perceived in the wrong light by those ensconced in power. A step back, away from front and center, is rarely perceived as withdrawal from vulnerable visibility. A step away is only away from center and therefore against uprightness.
Then again, a frontal stance can be wielded like a weapon.
Jason Dunda is dragging color along and feeling the weight of it as he moves it. Building by digging, leveling the ground, and then stacking. Stacking color. There seems to be some sweat along the way. The paintings aren’t quite clear about good or bad, nor really what an unknown someone looks like. Dunda looks at power and its assumptions. He looks at the act of shrinking away from power’s gaze. He puts the look and looked at together and we’re left to look at the results of his collapse.